How to Leverage Intent Data via AI for Better Results

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By far the greatest danger of Artificial Intelligence is that people conclude too early that they understand it.

Eliezer Yudkowsky,

Artificial Intelligence is really all about leveraging data for learning and then executing on those learnings for better results.

Intent Data is all about identifying buyers who are in the early to middle stages of making a buying decision. There are a few long hanging fruit buckets that AI can leverage easily for better results.

First, focus on surging domains actively engaging with your product. You did this either by identifying visitors to specific sections of your website that have products, by survey-based Content Syndication, and by Account or Office level click and time on site data from your Display and Search campaigns.

This provides visibility into Enterprise and Mid Market customers who are considering purchasing. Having multiple executives reviewing a product or offering from the same company indicates a much higher probability of an organisation’s purchasing intent.

You can extend these surging domains through Lookalike targeting. This is often referred to as Customer Extension. Meaning targeting similar accounts to the initial audience who have already demonstrated intent on similar products (companies with high intent with similar revenue size, employee size, industry, location).

Finally, focus all your Display campaigns to the offices within those domains who house buyers. Combine geo-fenced ads to specific office locations with contextual focus to ensure the right executives see the advertisement while they are in the product consideration phase.


Connect Directly to Healthcare Professionals, Patients & Caregivers

Targeting Healthcare Professionals by Specialty, NPI List Matching by specialty and display Ads. While they work at their offices, clinics or hospitals or when they are researching Products or Services, Symptoms or Drugs, Treatments or Trials. Result: Achieve metrics & script lift 10 times higher than industry benchmarks.